


The 林本顿社区学院 traffic and parking regulations are established for the protection and fair treatment of members of the college community. 这些规定 have been approved by the 博天堂官方 Board of Education and are strictly enforced 24 hours 根据学校政策和ORS 341的规定.300.

博天堂官方 assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of any vehicle or its 内容,任何时候,当它是运行或停放在学院财产.


In addition to these regulations, all state and local laws governing movement, operation, 车辆应停放在学院物业内. 该学院位于奥尔巴尼校区 and Corvallis and Lebanon centers are within the jurisdiction of the respective cities and are subject to city police patrol, including citations for infractions of city, 县和州的法律.





可在任何指定的、不受限制的区域停车. 使用者必须遵守 one-way designations and should not park on stall lines or crosswalks - one vehicle per space with the exception of motorcycles parked in the designated motorcycle parking 区域. No motor vehicle, unless specifically authorized, is allowed to operate or 将车停在任何校园人行道或博天堂官方主干道外.

 我们大部分的停车场都是 不是为后停车设计的 (this includes pulling through a space to the other side where your front end is 面对迎面而来的单向车流). 空间的角度 停车时的行驶方向为前向. 把车头停进去, going with the direction of travel on the one-way lane/aisle from which your vehicle 是旅行. 不把车开到另一边吗.

When cars pull through to the other side, what we usually see is people leaving the space going forward and in the wrong direction, against traffic flow because the angle to turn their vehicle to proceed in the proper direction is very sharp and could cause 下一个空间的车辆尾部被夹住了.



Designated reserved parking is available for individuals who qualify in accordance ORS 487.915. 在指定的“残疾人”区停车的车辆,必须在显眼的地方张贴标志 displayed permanent or temporary disability permit, which may be obtained at any state 机动车辆科办事处.


5条车道的路缘涂成了红色. 禁止在指定的红路边停车 随时呼叫消防通道.


Designated ‘装货区’ are clearly marked with either 15- or 30-minute 限制s 在周一至周五早上7点至晚上9点生效. 个人不得 be issued special permits through Campus 安全 Office for time beyond the designated 限制.

Periwinkle Child Development Center (PCDC building)/Kidco-Headstart 停车 Lot

The parking spaces along the north side of PCDC and the lot to the east of the building 仅供Kidco-Headstart商业使用. PDCD/Kidco员工将提供停车位 passes for individuals that are allowed to use this lot and parking spaces. 


Specially designated parking spaces are provided for motorcycles in 停车 Lot 2 服务中心与工业B楼之间.


为此,在楼梯井中提供了特殊的机架. 个人不得 把自行车拴在柱子、管道、树上等. 违反规定可能是正当的 违规停车的罚单. 自行车只能步行,不能骑 – through interior 区域 of the main campus and Extended Learning centers.


Foot traffic is the primary means of transportation within the internal passageways 校园和扩展学习中心. 为安全起见,个人应 not use wheeled conveyances (other than disabled conveyances) such as skateboards, 自行车、轮滑鞋、轮滑鞋、滑板车等.,在任何时候.


Designated ‘电动汽车充电站’ are clearly marked with this sign.
Only electric Vehicles that require charging are permitted to park in these designated 停车的位置. 预计一旦车辆充满电,车辆 will be moved from the designated space within a reasonable time to allow others access 到电动汽车站.

停车 in EV spaces is front in (head in) parking only except the first space in 行. 在这个空间后面的停车场是允许后方充电的车辆.

The chargers in our lot are part of the ChargePoint Network by Coulomb Technologies. Our stations on the ChargePoint web site locator are referred to as ALB 3. 获得 免费的ChargePoint会员资格,以获得充电服务,请参阅 加入ChargePoint网站.


在校内过夜或长时间停车(如.g.(24小时)必须 向校园安全办公室报告. 这将提醒工作人员专门巡逻 夜间或延长停车时间的区域.

Occupied motor vehicles (recreation vehicles, trailers, fifth-wheels, etc.)不是 我被允许在学校过夜,我.e. 野营. 此外,它是 not permitted to remain on college property overnight in one’s car, truck, or other 个人机动车辆. 对于此特定部分的例外的任何特殊请求 of the administrative rule because of a unique circumstance must be made in writing, 提前通知设施主管.

Motor vehicles that are found to be parked on the campus for extended periods of time for no apparent reason may be towed from the campus at the owner's expense if such 行动被认为是适当的.



引用 are issued to violators of campus parking regulations and violations of established standards of operation for vehicles or other wheeled conveyances when 发生在大学财产上.


Traffic and parking citation fines vary according to violation (see chart following)  and must be paid by 4:30pm of the seventh working day following the date of issue. 付款 是在正常办公时间内向博天堂官方营业处递交的. 未付款 the assessed fine within seven working days will result in an assessment of an additional 滞纳金10美元,也会导致失去大学特权. 拖欠金额 到期款项可能交由外部机构代收.

Students failing to pay the assessed fine and related late fees will have a hold placed 关于他们的注册,官方成绩单等.,以及对个人的不利影响 信贷. College staff will turn the matter over to their immediate supervisor for 决议.








Over Time Limit in Loading Zone or Curbside with or without driver present














泊车时,车头不应朝向失速线的前方(i).e. 度过难关或 我停车)








上诉可向停车检讨委员会提出,该委员会视需要举行会议. 任命 to appear before the committee can be made through the Campus 安全办事处(WH-110) 或电话(541-917-4440).

Individuals are not required to appear before the committee in person; however, an 必须填写正式的上诉表格. 上诉表格可向校园索取 安全办事处(WH-110). 为了避免收取10美元的滞纳金,预约上诉 or a completed Appeal form must be submitted to the Campus 安全 Office within seven 发出传票后的工作天.



博天堂官方 reserves the right to change any of these regulations without prior notice as 需要校园的安全与保障. 这些变化将被张贴在显著位置 in the Campus 安全 Office, and significant changes will be communicated to students 并通过可利用的校园媒体与员工沟通.


有一种新的基于网络的拼车工具叫做 到达那里. 与 到达那里在美国,分享顺风车比以往任何时候都要容易! 这是全州范围内新的乘车配对和旅行计划 tool allows Oregonians to take advantage of transportation options like carpooling, vanpooling, riding transit, walking, and biking - including finding or starting a 自行车池. 这就像参观一样容易 到达俄勒冈州.  

  • 寻找拼车匹配和探索其他交通选择!
  • Log your trips in the online calendar to see how much money and fuel you’ve saved!
  • Map your local and regional trips (commuting to school or work, trips home on the 周末,等!)  
  • 都是免费的! 每天都有越来越多的用户加入,所以看看吧 谁走你的路!